I am Gábor Török, the CEO of Aktív Forrás Ltd.
If you want to reduce the amount of your tax as much as possible or understand how book-keeping is going on, you need us. We save the fee of the book-keeping many times during the tax paying.
The work of the book-keeper is not a senseless cost with us any more!
The most important point of our business philosophy is to provide a clear, accurate, balanced and high quality book-keeping service to our clients.
It is guaranteed by our well-trained book-keepers, as well as the firm professional relations of our firm.
The most important for us is to serve the business operation of our clients effectively, to provide clear service by the accurate completion of the book-keeping and taxation, as well as the financial consultancy.
The Aktiv Forras Ltd. started its operation in 1997. We may say on the basis of our more than 20 years of experience that our book-keepers are aware of the taxing and book-keeping problems of the companies operating in the recent Hungarian economy and we are able to provide effective and competitive solutions for them.
We can prove our success in the following areas:
– Book-keeping, tax consultancy
– Strategic and business consultancy
– Office services
Our purpose is to be a book-keeper and consultant being able to provide professional background for the business success of our clients.
Our mission
The most important point of our business philosophy is to provide a clear, accurate, balanced and high quality book-keeping service to our clients.
It is guaranteed by our well-trained book-keepers, as well as the firm professional relations of our firm.
The most important for us is to serve the business operation of our clients effectively, to provide clear service by the accurate completion of the book-keeping and taxation, as well as the financial consultancy.

Hanbook for enterpreneurs
Scope of company activity
The planned company activities should be considered and determined, as well as their tax and book-keeping specialties shall be learnt. They can cause relevant volume of expenditures affecting the business success. It is not necessary to list too many activities…

For beginners
Financial calculations on the expected incomes and expenditures are usually made at the foundation of the company. These cover the overhead costs and the expected incomes in general. But they do not cover the costs, the taxes and other…
Török Zsolt Clinex Ltd.
Csakay and Partner law office.