Aktív Forrás Ltd. started its operation in 1997. Due to our more than 20 years years of professional and business experience we may declare to be aware of the problems of taxation and accounting met by the small and middle enterprises operating in Hungary and able to offer efficient and competitive solutions.

The main item of our policy is to provide clear and high quality service for our customers. It is guaranteed by our skilled staff and steady professional relations.

We had success in the following areas during the last ten years:
– Book-keeping, consultation on tax items
– Consultation on financial applications
– Consultation on strategic and business items

The most important thing for us is to support the business of our customers clearly and efficiently by completing our obligations in connection to the accounting and taxation, as well as by providing complex consultation on any items of business.
Our purpose is to establish steady professional background for the success of our customers.

Company information:
Name: Aktív Forrás Pénzügyi Tanácsadó Ltd.
Seat: 1064 Budapest, Székely Bertalan u. 10. III. 40.
Company registration number: 01-09-665643
Managing director Mr. Gábor Török

Szabóné Julika

Szabóné Julika

Marosváriné Illés Andrea